Commission on Research Methods in Geography

International Geographical Union 
Union Géographique Internationale

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The Commission on Research Methods in Geography of the International Geographic Union is an active group of geographers that was established in 2020 to promote an international dialogue on research methods as a vital tool for advancing geographic knowledge and research practices across different regions, countries and traditions. The Commission seeks to facilitate a critical and constructive dialogue about established and emerging geographical concepts, approaches and research methods.

Our goals

  • Facilitating the development and sharing of knowledge, theories and research methods in Geography
  • Providing an inclusive platform for academic and scientific exchange on research methods in Geography for the international community
  • Encouraging publication of peer-reviewed research

Our activities

  • Organizing international workshops and meetings across all continents
  • Compiling and sharing resources on research methodologies in geography
  • Sharing regular updates on the activities of the Commission and its members
  • Developing and distributing online educational materials on research methods in geography
  • Collaborating with other IGU Commissions and relevant organizations to reflect on and share innovative methods and support the conduct of high-quality research

Join us

Become a Corresponding Member of IGU’s Commission on Research Methods in Geography. Stay up to date on activities, meetings, conferences, and newsletters via email, and be a part of a community of Geographers sharing research methods and practices across the globe.

To join, please complete the form below. There is no membership fee and undergraduate and graduate students are very welcome.

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